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Want to be a Member of the Greater Flint Hockey Association?

We're a non-profit* youth hockey association with programs for all ages up to 18.  We feature learn-to-play, and disabled / special hockey** programs, ADM thru midgets... house and travel hockey teams, both spring and fall/winter seasons.  We play out of Crystal Fieldhouse in Burton.  For complete information, please contact us at or contact any of the following members:

Jeff Barat

Jeff Barat


Phone: (810) 569-4646

Joe Hosler

Joe Hosler

Travel Director, Trustee

Phone: (810) 423-8424

Terese Tucker

Terese Tucker


Phone: (810) 422-3572

Damon Donovan

Damon Donovan

Director of Disabled Hockey

Phone: (810) 599-3274

Tom Hutchings

Tom Hutchings

Vice-President, Coaching Director

Phone: (810) 280-6656

Lisa Voydanoff

Fundraising Director

*We're a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, registered with the US Government.  All donations are tax deductible.
**The disabled / special hockey programs are open to both youths (all ages up to 17) and adults (18 and over).


Greater Flint Hockey Association

The Greater Flint Hockey Association started back in 1969 with the opening of the Flint IMA Sports Arena, an arena complex built by the Flint IMA Foundation, a non-profit group dedicated towards giving back to the community through sports offerings and after school activities geared towards youth.  Back then there were some 60 youth hockey teams.  The teams and other youth activities were supported through the Flint IMA food stores and vending machine operations located in Flint area General Motors plants.  The teams continued to prosper throughout the 70's and 80's until the Flint IMA vending services were discountinued in GM factories by GM, replaced by other vending services which didn't give back to the community.  In the late 80's and with funding opportunities becoming harder to come by, the Flint IMA Foundation sold the Flint IMA Sports Arena to the city for $1 for back taxes owed.  Through an agreement with the city, the Flint IMA Foundation continued to offer hockey programs at the arena, but at a higher cost.  Instead of GFHA, it was now called Flint IMA youth hockey.  The Flint IMA Spirits youth hockey program turned into the Flint IMA Sabres youth hockey program turned into the Flint IMA Generals youth hockey program and it continued at the Sports Arena throughout the 90's until 2008 when the Flint IMA discontinued offering youth hockey, as it became too expensive of a program for a foundation struggling for funding.  In the 2008-09 season, the Greater Flint Hockey Association was resurrected to replace the Flint IMA program and we continued to operate out of the Sports Arena (now named Perani Arena and owned by an insurance company through foreclosure) until 2012 when arena management decided it would no longer allow our association to operate in its buildings (Perani Arena and Iceland Arenas) choosing instead to favor EMHA after we refused a forced merger in which GFHA would no longer exist and we'd become a part of EMHA.  We opted to remain GFHA and as a result, we were forced to find a new home and as we exited, we were told to leave all of our equipment we had obtained over the years.  With our equipment being taken from us by Perani Arena and searching for a new home, we agreed with Ice Mountain Arena to move there but soon after the agreement was made, Ice Mountain closed.  It remained closed for two years and we remained without a home.  Ice Mountain was recently sold and renamed Crystal Fieldhouse.  They accepted us as their youth hockey association.  We now have a new home with a grand opening day of September 7th, 2014, a day for us and Flint area youth hockey to have a new beginning.